Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Kinder Update

Room 5 has been super busy over the past few weeks.  Between our field trip to the Pumpkin Farm, celebrating Halloween, and Election Day our learning has been so much fun!

This week we added the words DO and YOU to the word wall and we did several fun activities using those words.  We now have 15 words on our word wall!  I am so impressed with how well each student is doing his or her part to practice and learn new words.

Our unit focus for the next two weeks is an author study of Laura Numeroff.  She is the author of the "If You Give A..." stories.  We are enjoying learning about her life, comparing and contrasting her stories, and of course READING READING READING!  Check out Laura Numeroff's website here!

 <<<--Reading to Someone!-->>>

In writing we have been working on making "little books" on topics chosen by each student.  We are still focusing on proper letter formation, punctuation, and staying on topic within a book.  We also did a lot of Laura Numeroff writing activities this week as well.  Thank you for encouraging your young writers to use their mini Writer's Notebooks at home.  We are so proud of our writing and we make sure to celebrate each notebook when it comes back to school.  These have turned into such a valuable tool for your child's writing life.

Two students working hard in their writer's notebooks.

Other Announcements:
 - "Book Baggies" will be sent home soon.  Please keep the books as long as you need them at home and return them for new books when ready.
- NO SCHOOL Friday, November 9th (Teacher Institute)

Check back often for classroom updates and information.

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