Friday, May 17, 2013

Winding Down

Hello Kindergarten Families!

It is hard to believe we are nearing the end of the school year.  I am very excited for all of the fun learning and exciting activities that we have coming up in the next few weeks. Here is an update on our learning over the past month:

We finished up our study of animals with amazing animal reports.  You can see these displayed in the hallway outside our classroom.  We have since moved on to learning about plants.  Each student has planted a lima bean plant and they have been growing, growing, growing!  Students are being botanists by observing and recording the changes in their plant from day to day.  So far, we have learned the parts of the plant and each of the part's function.  We are moving in to learning about plant needs and the plant life cycle.  Look for plants to come home soon.

All of the kindergarten word wall words have been learned, so we have moved on to learning the first grade words.  A complete list of first grade words will be coming home with your kindergartner shortly.

We are wrapping up the year by doing an author study on one of our favorite authors, David Shannon. He writes the No, David books as well as many others that we are very excited about.  In addition to David Shannon books, we will be reading all of our favorites from this year and doing various activities with each of them.  You should be so proud of your kindergartner's reading.  It is so impressive to see what great readers these young children have become.

We hope you mothers enjoyed the Mother's Day gifts that came home last week.  The kids were so proud of them and so excited to share them with you.  Thank you for all of the hard work you do with your kids at home.

Just a few reminders...
MAY 28 - Field Day (K-2) in the AM
MAY 29 - Kindergarten Celebration - 2:00 (Johnson AND Mohawk)
JUNE 5 - Last Day of School (1 Hour Only)

Looking forward to seeing families soon at the celebration!