Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Animals Everywhere!

Greetings Kindergarten Families!

We are right in the middle of an information-filled study of animals and it is going very well.  We have been learning all about animal needs, animal groups, and even spotlighting some specific animals for more in-depth learning.  Below are some photos of student groups and their finished "Reptile Research".

Each student is now working on an animal report on their own.  Students got to choose their animal and have conducted research from books and the internet to complete their projects.  Look for these to be on display in the hallway very soon!

To go along with our study of animals, we have been doing an author study of Eric Carle as well.  Eric Carle writes many different books with animal characters so it has been just perfect learning about him at this time.  Ask your child to share some favorite Eric Carle books with you.

We are nearing the end of the word wall list for kindergarten.  The words we added this week were WHERE and THERE.  If you know your child still needs practice with the 3rd trimester words, please make some time to practice at home.  Look for a list of first grade words to come home soon!

Don't forget about Open House next Wednesday, April 17th, from 6:30-7:30.  Families are able to tour the building and visit the bake sale and Book Fair at this time.  We are looking forward to seeing you there!