Thursday, January 17, 2013

All Settled In!

The transition to Johnson School has gone so smoothly!  We are adjusting well and getting settled into our beautiful new space.  Thanks to all families for their support during this transition time.

For the past two weeks we have been learning all about winter.  We have been having fun reading winter stories and writing our own nonfiction winter books.  One of our favorite books to read was The Mitten by Jan Brett.  We did several activities with this story, and even acted it out!  I hope your child shared this fun activity with you.  Time to Sleep by Denise Fleming is another book we enjoyed.  Each student participated in a reader's theater of this book.  We performed our great reading for Mrs. Kendall's class!  In addition to learning facts about winter, we have also been learning all about what animals do in winter.  We now know a lot about hibernation and migration.  

Word wall words for last week and this week were LOOK, WAS, and HERE.  We are quickly nearing the end of the 2nd trimester words, so 3rd trimester words will be coming home soon!  Words for next week are OF and DID.  Please continue to practice sight words at home by using the flashcards, and find them in the books you are reading nightly.

In math we have been working hard on adding and subtracting.  In the near future we will be starting fact memorization, as students have shown they are ready for it.  Some end of the year goals for kindergartners in math include recognizing numbers up to 20, counting to 100, and performing basic addition and subtraction operations.  Keep those in mind when practicing math at home!

Thank you for all you do with your children at home.  We have great families to work with!  Please contact me with any questions or concerns you may have!

  • NO SCHOOL - Monday, January 21 - MLK, Jr. Day
  • BINGO Night -  Friday, January 25th

Below are some pics of our new classroom!